- Why don' t you come ice-skating ( with us ) tonight ? 今晚来(和我们一起)溜冰好吗?
- Why didn’t you come with your camomile? 你为什么没有带着你的甘菊来?
- Why do not you come with us so they can not " take " us so easily? 你干嘛不陪我们一块儿去,这样他们就不能轻易糊弄我们了。
- Why do not you come with us so they can not"take" us so easily? 你干嘛不陪我们一块儿去,这样他们就不能轻易糊弄我们了。
- We will have a picnic tomorrow. Why don't you come with us? 我们明天出去野餐,为什么不来和我们一起去?
- Why don't you come with us? You might run into your exboyfriend. 为什么不和我们一起去呢?说不定还会跟你的前男友巧遇呢!
- Well, in that case why don’t you come to my house and check out the artistically displayed books on these random subjects. 如果是那样的话,你为什么不到我家里看一看,还可以查阅一下关于这些随意的话题下艺术方面的书籍。
- Why aren't you coming with us to the concert? 你为什么不和我们一道去听音乐会?
- Tom,why don't you come with us? There'll be a lot of fun at the party. 汤姆,你为什么不和我们一起来?派对会很有意思。
- LiMing, I think. Will you come with us? 我猜是李明。你想和我们一起来吗?
- Nick, why don't you come with us? There'll be a lot of fun at the party. 尼克,你为什么不和我们一起来?派对会很有意思。
- Why don' t you bring you favourite girl along ? 你为什么不带你最喜欢的女儿一块儿来呢?
- Why don' t you inquire by telephone ? 你为何不打电话询问?
- Why don' t you exhibit his portrait ? 你为什么不展出他的画像?
- Why don' t you shave off your beard? 为什么你不刮胡子?
- The job is up for grabs. Why don' t you apply now ? 那工作谁都可以争取.;你怎麽不现在就申请呢?
- We're going to scrounge some apples from Farmer Jones's orchard. Why won't you come with us? Lost your bottle? 我们要去农民琼斯的果园里偷苹果,你为什么不和我们一起去?你害怕了?
- Why don' t you shave off your beard ? 为什么你不刮胡子?
- We're going to steal some apples from farmer Jones's orchard. Why won't you come with us? Lost your bottle? 我们要去农民琼斯的果园里偷苹果, 你为什么不和我们一起去?你害怕了?
- A: Why don>t you try this foldaway rowing machine? 不妨试试这个折叠式划船机。